Did You Have a Happy International Translation Day?

Ever since 1953, the 30th day of September has been celebrated as International Translation Day.

For 2016, the Federation of Translators (Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs), or FIT, chose a theme proposed by the American Translators’ Association (ATA):

Connecting Worlds

The world of the translator and the world of the interpreter are two professions dedicated to one goal: facilitating communication between people. As the world becomes more integrated, fostering understanding between the multitude of speakers is more critical than ever. Whether it is in writing or in speech. Interpreters and translators are at the junction point that impacts the development of business, science, medicine, technology, international law, politics and a host of other areas. We provide the ability for each of these worlds to learn from each other to the benefit of society as a whole. The role of translators and interpreters in connecting worlds is to open up the whole world to all of us.

So how did you spend your International Translation Day? Were you aware of the commemoration, or blithely unaware? Did you do anything different or special? We’d love to hear! Email us at projects@e2f.com.


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