e2f at AMTA

Michel Lopez, e2f CEO, will be presenting at the upcoming Association for Machine Translation in the Americas (AMTA) conference. The tenth biennial conference will be held in San Diego, CA October 28-November 1 and immediately follows the American Translations Association (ATA) conference.

More about AMTA (from their website):

AMTA is an association dedicated to anyone interested in the translation of languages using computers in some way. This includes people with translation needs, commercial system developers, researchers, sponsors, and people studying, evaluating, and understanding the science of machine translation (MT) and educating the public on important scientific techniques and principles involved. It provides an opportunity for commercial developers, users–both professional translators and casual MT users–and research scientists to meet in a convivial atmosphere and share ideas, dreams, and hopes.

Michel’s presentation “Managing Change when implementing MT systems” will be held on Monday 29 October at 2 pm PST. Want to learn more about implementing MT systems into your current processes and tips and tricks for success? We look forward to seeing you there!


e2f at Localization World Seattle


Happy Holidays from e2f