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Est-elle attirante, attractive ou attrayante ?

The translation of “attractive” is a true minefield! Many translators know that “attractif” is a false friend of the English “attractive”, as “attractif” is used for things that attract by nature, a magnet for example, but then they often confuse between “attirant”, which means “which exerts an attraction force”, and “attrayant”, which means “which has appeal”.

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Noms dans les communiqués de presse

In press releases, it’s frequent for US companies to refer to somebody by their full name once, and then by their first or last name only, as in:

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Punctuation differences between fr-FR and fr-CA

It’s a surprise to most people that there are maybe more punctuation differences than linguistic differences between French for France and French for Canada.Basically, the main punctuation difference is that.

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