Bright Pink Agency Bright Pink Agency

What’s in a Name? If you’re an LLM, Everything!

In Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare’s eternally popular story/play, Juliet shares her thoughts on names:

What's in a name? That which we call a rose

By any other name would smell as sweet.

Most of us would agree with Juliet. That’s because we know what a rose is. Most of us have seen, smelt, and touched a rose.

But what if you don’t know what the word means? Or, what if, like ChatGPT, you think that it means one of nine different things?

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Bright Pink Agency Bright Pink Agency

Quality vs Costs: Walking the Tightrope in AI Data

Every company that needs high-quality, complex data to train their AI apps and LLM models is asking its vendors to walk a tightrope and deliver against stringent quality metrics while staying on a tight budget. At e2f, we’ve been dancing on this tightrope for the last twenty years. Here are some lessons we learned.

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