Evolution to Globalization

Those familiar with e2f will notice some subtle changes to our web site since our management offsite in San Francisco. e2f is evolving along with the industry and our customers’ needs. First, our tagline has changed:

“You create it. We globalize it.”

This reflects the broadening of e2f’s corporate perspective to encompass a full range of services in the GILT model: Globalization (g11n), Internationalization (i19n), Localization (l10n) and Translation (t9n). Whether you need translation and localization services, onsite staffing, or consulting engineering services (say, for Machine Translation setup and training, or systems integration), e2f has an ever-broadening portfolio of solutions tailored to an ever-changing market.

We also took this recent opportunity to reflect on what distinguishes e2f. What do we know and hold most true about ourselves? What do our customers say is most important to them? This is what we discerned:


  • Leading Language Service Provider headquartered in Silicon Valley

  • Client freedom and flexibility, without lock-in model

  • Rapid adoption of translation technologies

  • Focus on high-tech industries

  • Local presence on five continents

  • True follow-the-sun operations

e2f was born and raised right here in Silicon Valley. We have watched epochal change occur across multiple marketplaces. Our customers don’t just prefer a technology-driven vision — they demand it. They thrive from it. And they expect their preferred language service provider to keep pace.

Likewise, recent decades have seen a rise in open, standards-based systems. From the open-source movement to Unicode to XLIFF. Clients tell us that they do not want to feel trapped and constrained by any one vendor or solution. They wish to choose their best-in-class tools and systems tailored to their ever-evolving internal needs. e2f recognizes this by remaining technology and platform agnostic.

Such an adaptive, open culture is driving innovation across the globe. What we foster here in northern California propagates rapidly to business practices around the rest of the world. e2f’s presence on five continents helps us take these industry-leading methods and apply them to multiple global markets.

Many of our clients are already global brands. They have their own highly-distributed organizations working around-the-clock. Our follow-the-sun operations allow us to keep pace with their expectations.

Others are the upstarts and disruptors. They have the vision and aspiration to grow regionally or globally, and need a trusted partner to take them to wider markets. We’ve helped many other companies before, and we’d love to help you!

What about your perspective? Have we at e2f aligned ourselves in a way that truly speaks to your needs? Drop us a line at info@e2f.com, and let us know what you think!


See You at GDC 2017!


Transifex: New Features for Machine Translation (MT) & Translation Memory (TM)