Transifex: New Features for Machine Translation (MT) & Translation Memory (TM)

Our partners at Transifex are always looking for new ways to tailor their platform to meet the evolving needs of translators. A recent blog by Samuel Chen gave us a head’s up about a few changes now available and others coming soon.

The first change combined the power of Translation Memory (TM) with Machine Translation (MT), for automatic content translation. This feature was pioneered in Transifex Live, for website localization integration, but now is also available for file-based localization projects.

Under this system, untranslated strings will first be matched to the TM. Those with a 100% match will automatically be translated. Then, the MT system will translate the rest, so there won’t be a separate MT tool or job you have to manage. It will all happen in one smooth, integrated, automated process.

The second feature of note was Machine Translation strings in Translation Memory. In essence, MT-generated results for your TM will not automatically added. Instead, a human reviewer will need to check the quality of the results before acceptance. This is designed to keep your TM at its highest quality, and to give your team the highest discretion over its contents.

There are more new or enhanced features in Transifex than we’ve covered here. So check out the Transifex blog, and let us know what you think! Which of these features are the most interesting or the most pragmatic to the way you operate? Email your thoughts and observations to us at

By the way, did you know e2f is a premiere translation partner on Transifex? Once you upload your project into the system, you can simply select e2f as your translation provider, and we’ll get right on it!

If you haven’t used Transifex yet, it’s a good time to consider it. It’s a great solution for ongoing, high volume, and rapid-turnaround projects. Just as the Agile development world has moved towards Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery (CI/CD), Transifex allows you to manage Continuous Translation (CT). You can get started with a free account!


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