Is there a relationship between sex and emojis?

It has been known for a long time that many personality traits can be inferred from the words, expressions and punctuation that people use. Now that people increasingly use emojis, are there relationships between personality and emojis?

Interestingly, the very comprehensive Singles in America survey funded by (based on the attitudes and behaviors of a representative sample of over 5,000 US singles ages 18 to 70+) found a very heavy correlation between the use of emojis and the frequency of sexual relations, as evidenced by the following chart:

As usual in such cases, it is impossible to determine causation from correlation alone, so we don’t know whether:

  • The use of emojis makes it easier to convince somebody to engage into a sexual relation

  • People who have frequent sexual relations become more expressive

  • Emotional people are both more likely to use emojis and have frequent sex

  • Something else is at work



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